Campaign Disability

Make your organizing and community outreach inclusive of everyone.


Why Campaign Disability?

Disability accessibility is an integral part of any progressive organization or campaign. It is an essential part of fieldwork, social media, communications, and policy. Being inclusive in your work will help you bring your work and your message to more people. Our tool kits will help you get there.

Every important progressive policy, from housing to police, impacts disabled folks. And yet, those impacts are often ignored while laws are written and platforms are drafted. We aim to bring a loud, powerful, disabled voice to the policy conversation.


Nearly 25% of Americans has
a disability

38 Million

disabled citizens were eligable to vote in 2020

18 Million

disabled folks voted in 2020 representing 11.4% of all voters

15 Million

folks have recently become disabled due to Covid-19.

There is a 6pt gap between disabled and non-disabled voters

    • Only 33% of disabled folks are employed.
    • Greater social isolation – disabled people are less likely to be connected to civic or neighborhood organizations.
    • Disabled folks have reason to believe that political systems aren’t responsive to their needs.
    • Lack of accessibility at polling locations leads to voting difficulty for disabled folks.

    Douglas Kruse and Lisa Schur, Rutgers University. Disability and Voter Turnout in the 2020 Elections.

    Bar chart showing the disability gap between voters and non-voters. In 2016 55.9% of disabled and 62.2% non-disabled folks voted. In 2020 61.8% disabled and 67.5% of non-disabled folks voted.

    Disability sits at the center
    of progressive politics


    26% of disabled folks live in poverty, compared to 11% of non-disabled folks.


    Nationwide, only 9% of disabled folks live in an accessible home.


    43% of disabled folks are arrested at least once by the age of 28.


    For many, getting married means loosing vital heath care and benefits.

    Health Care

    Only 25% of disabled adults have regular access to a healthcare provider.


    It is still legal to pay disabled folks below the minimum wage.

    What can my organization do?

    Build Disability into Your Work

    It should not be the job of one intern or a member of your DEI team to bring accessibility to your work. Indeed, accessibility needs to be an important consideration for everyone in your organization. Any initiative must start with your CEO or Campaign Manager and continues through your media, technology, and field teams. Also, hire disabled folks!

    Support Local Orgs

    Reach out to the different disability organizations in your community. No matter what your work focuses on, it intersects in some way with disability. This is particularly true for campaigns that don’t currently have a section for disability justice on their “Issues” page. Remember, the disabled community is not a monolith. You should solicit many diverse voices for your input into your work.

    Organize for accessibility

    It doesn’t have to be daunting to build systems of disability accessibility into your work. There are various language guides, style guides, and best practices that we have collected. And we are building a Community of Practice to help guide you.